Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mak.

Today, January 20th, is my mother's birthday and I want everyone knows that she is the best M.O.T.H.E.R in the world. She is amazing, brilliant, beautiful and... and cool! She wants me to get married at age 25. It means next year. I think, that really makes her 'The-Coolest-M.O.M-on-earth' *wink*. Mak, walaupun anak mak memang nak kawen tapi mak... ah takder apa-apa lah, memang cool mak kalau kawen taun depan! *fullstop*. Haish, I'm so sad I can't be there to celebrate her birthday but I think that maybe the way to celebrate her birthday this year is..."Make A List of 9 Facts about My Mother". Everything I share with you about her in here, ooo please, please and please don't tell her okayh!

1. She was born in 1959 and married my father when she was 19. She has 3 children;Kaklong, Angah and me. Owh, and one granddaughter. And one cat.

2. My mother used to take me to the library near my house every weekend when I was a kid. While the other kids were home watching 'Tom & Jerry', she was marching the three of us off to the library. Hahhahh.Borink! Hey, Hey,Hey. You can't say that. Library... Here is where people, One frequently finds, Lower their voices and Raise their mind. In fact, we also have our own library at home during my childhood.

3. She made baju kurung for me and my sister for every Hari Raya (till 2005 if I'm not mistaken).

4. She makes the best chocolate cake in the world. And orang cake. And cookies too. In fact, she is among few housewives who supplement her family income by baking+selling cookies during Hari Raya. *terharu & I Love U*

5. She has a knack for decorating and gardening. If this month the sofa is HERE and the next month you'll see the sofa is THERE. And what I'm going to tell you next is not a lie! She even plant Elaeis guineensis in front of our house. Hahhahh. Korang mesti tak tahu kan pokok apa lah mak aku tanam tuh. Mak aku tanam pokok kelapa sawit weyh depan rumah aku. Katanya cantik! isk.isk.isk.mak...mak... She is cuter than I thought!

6. She was one of the top school athlete back in the early 70's. Her friends told me that she represented her House in almost every race possible and also represented the school at external events. A sprinter. A volley-ball player. A hockey player. A what-else-I-don't-know-but-I'm-sure-SHE IS AWESOME!!!

7. She has a book, 'Recipes' where she kept all the secrets about cooking, all the recipes of homemade cookies and etc in there. I don't think I should copy anything from this book. I'm just thinking that either me or my sister will inherit this book later. So, why worry?

8. She is the second of seven children born to Hj.Salim and Hjh Mina a.k.a Zainab. She is loved and respected by everyone in her family.

9. My mother, she is definitely T.H.E C.O.O.L.E.S.T M.O.M around.

10. (an extra one) I wish her a wonderful birthday and many more to come. I Love U very much, mak. Forever!

In closing.... Thank you, Mak. Thank you for always knowing exactly what to say to make me feel better when the world gave a bitter pill to swallow, for always knowing something was wrong no matter how hard I tried to hide from you and for always being my best friend.

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