Thursday, December 23, 2010

Surgery rotation

After undergo 4 years of grueling study, I have another challenge to face- a demanding 2 years of clinical where I rely on lots of coffee, cope with very little sleep, and put up with public chastisement. This is when we rotate through the various general divisions of medicine like surgery, internal medicine and pediatrics and actually work in the hospitals. This is when the fun begins and fresh medical students with zero clinical experience are tossed head-first out of the classroom into the hospital workplace. You might think that after four years of medical school, I would know a thing or two. BUT NO. After I hurtle through the air and land in the hospital, I immediately and ruthlessly punched in the face with the grim reality that I know nothing about taking care of patients.

I started my first clinical rotation in surgery. Before this, I was strongly considering a surgical career. Working with my hands, using cool surgical instruments... all of that sounded very appealing in theory. But less than a week into surgery rotation, I was already miserable. I got lots of problems over the first 3 weeks and I strongly believe that adaptation is the hardest part of everything. Posting in some disciplines required me to be in by 0500 and home after evening rounds. The long, long hours. I'd feel extremely tired, and feel the world's unfair but, the experience gained is beyond words. Sometimes, I don't understand some of the terms used by them and it leads to miscommunication amongst us. Its getting worst when the problem between these two countries is raised. With the barriers and the mindset, I desperately needed extra blade to get right in front of them, with their arms wide open to welcome me in this hospital.

In week 4, I started to get closer to the nurses and some of them even called me as "Mano'. Some of them taught me how to stitch the surgical or traumatic wound, do the circumcision and minor surgery. I also spent several days scrubbing into the OR and watching surgeries all day. Most cases were herniotomy, hernioplasty, appendectomy, amputation, open reduction Internal fixation, and minor surgery but there were a couple crazy cases, like laparatomy and laparascopy. For some surgeons, they teach me a lot. They offer me the opportunity to learn complicated procedures and even make extra class to teach me and my friends. Some surgeons prefer to work in very quiet operating rooms and will say maybe 10 words to you in two hours. Others may drill you on anatomy questions and obscure medical trivia, then ridicule you for not knowing the answers. Most of the time the taunts are in joking fashion, since some surgeons assume medical students know absolutely nothing as a baseline and will be happy if you can answer any of their questions. But others may be incredulous that you don't know the answer to even their most simple question, shaming you into going home that night and working extra hard on studying. At the end of each day, I'm always exhausted from being in the OR all day, and having to go home and study is a painful ordeal. Because of that, I have to work harder to get on level with the amount of work needed to be done, amount of skill that is demanded in this field and the amount of core knowledge I need to equip.

I know stress is everywhere. Every profession has its own shitty thing to get over with. At this moment, I know the real life in hospital where I'm now able to carry on working without food or water over 9 hours, come to work with fever and cough, and stand scolding, destructive criticism, kiss ass behavior, racial bias, and finger pointing by the superior. Whatever happens, I should get over it and stand still. These gruelling years will determine whether I have the empathy, discipline and stamina to be a doctor. And yes it is so true that if its glamour, then pick the fashion world. If its fame, go into media industry, if its wealth, be a lawyer. But if its satisfaction of seeing your patient leaving you with a smile and gratitude, then be a doctor, a Good ethical one.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aidilfitri 1431

I know. I know. This post is fashionably late. To be exact, its been nearly a month. Any acceptable reason? I only have one: Super lazy. Okay. Enough of my whinge and lets back to the main topic Aidilfitri 1431. I might say I'm the luckiest person on earth as I still got the chance to celebrate this prosperous event of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia*yay*. It is undeniable that whenever hari raya comes, I'm so happy because it'll be the time for me to get together with my beloved family even though my eldest sister can't make it this year, but still she'll be home on the fourth day of raya.

I woke up relatively early on the first day of raya, put on my very best new cloth and lend a helping hand in the kitchen before heads off to the mosque to perform the special Eid prayer with my family. It was still early in the morning after getting back to home, so we decided to start the tradition of seeking for forgiveness. So, I took this beautiful chance to seek forgiveness from mak, ayah, angah and Kak wani. On another thought, it might be happier if Kaklong, Abg long and my beautiful niece could join us at that moment. As for them, we just talk over the phone greeting each other. Yes, it is very true. The more the merrier but no complains! I'm over-the-cloud that I still receive the green packets or duit raya from all of them. Thanks! And we had a jolly grand time together.

Among other things that could not be forgotten is also the traditional dishes that are preserved to be the main course on the first day of raya. Lemang, Nasi Impit, Rendang, Sambal tempe are almost entirely favorable. I was very tempted to try all the foods as it will surely groove up my raya mood and reconcile my taste buds to those traditional dishes. oh I forgot to mention that we also presented the guests with delicacies not only the modern biscuits and cakes but also the traditional kuih raya. A variety of delicacies waits for the guests to have a taste. ay-ya but still kuih ros is always at my heart. It really is a type of kuih that has a buttery crunch-in-your-mouth texture. It's incredibly sweet too but let me assure you, it is certainly very very more-ish. And to be honest, I've been missing this kuih for almost a year since the last raya. What am I most proud of until now is that almost everywhere in my kampung, the older people are still preserving such evergreen kuih raya - kuih ros saya! ah-hem proud.proud.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Allah SWT berfirman:
"Katakanlah jika kamu menyintai Allah maka ikutilah aku nescaya Allah akan mengasihimu..."
(Al Imran:31)

Ketahuilah bahawa mahabbah seorang hamba kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya berarti ketaatan dan kepatuhannya kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya. Ada pun mahabbah Allah kepada hamba adalah pemberian nikmat-Nya kepada hamba itu berupa ampunan. Dikatakan bahawa jika seorang hamba tahu bahawa kesempurnaan hakiki hanyalah milik Allah dan setiap kesempurnaan yang dia lihat dari dirinya atau dari orang lain adalah dari dan berkat pertolongan Allah jua, tentu cinta hanyalah untuk Allah. Dia taat kepada-Nya dan suka sesuatu yang mendekatkan dia kepada Allah. Untuk kemudian mahabbah itu terwujud pula dalam bentuk taat dan patuh kepada Rasulullah SAW dalam ibadahnya.

Dirawikan dari Basyir al-Hafei ra dia berkata: Dalam tidur aku melihat Nabi SAW. Baginda berkata,"Wahai Basyir! Tahukah engkau sebab apa Allah mengangkatmu lebih dari teman-temanmu?" Basyir menjawab,"Tidak , wahai Rasulullah." Lalu baginda berkata, "Adalah disebabkan khidmatmu kepada orang-orang soleh, nasihatmu untuk saudara-saudaramu. mahabbahmu kepada sahabatmu dan ahli sunnahku serta engkau mengikuti sunnahku."

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Barangsiapa menghidupkan sunnahku bererti menyintaiku. Dan barangsiapa menyintaiku akan bersamaku pada hari Kiamat di Syurga".

Cinta adalah perpautan jiwa seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang dipandang dapat melazatkan atau membahagiakan. Jika perpautan itu lebih kuat lagi, maka dinamakan rindu. Sehingga relalah seseorang menjadi hamba kepada kekasihnya. Mahu mengorbankan segala apa yang dimilikinya demi kekasihnya. Masihkah ingat kisah Laila dan Majnun? Dan diceritakan bahawa ketika Majnun ditanya,"Siapa namamu?"Dia berkata, "Laila""Bukankah dia telah mati?"Dia berkata,"Tidak, Laila ada dihatiku. Dia tidak pernah mati. Akulah Laila!"Kemudian pada suatu ketika, dia lalu di rumah Laila. Dia memandang ke langit. Maka dia bertanya,"Wahai Majnun, janganlah memandang ke langit. Tapi pandanglah rumah Laila, barangkali engkau dapat melihatnya."Lalu Majnun menjawab,"Cukuplah aku memandangi bintang di mana cahanya menyinari rumah Laila."

Rasulullah SAW juga bersabda:
"Setiap ummatku masuk syurga kecuali orang yang tidak mahu". Para sahabat bertanya,"Siapa yang tidak mahu itu, ya Rasulullah?"Rasulullah SAW berkata,"Orang yang taat padaku masuk syurga. Ada pun orang yang derhaka padaku bererti dia tidak mahu(masuk syurga). Setiap amal yang bukan atas sunnahku adalah maksiat."

Abu Hasan al-Zanjani berkata,"Pokok ibadah itu pada tiga tiang: mata, hati dan lisan. Mata mengambil ibarat, hati berfikir dan lisan berkata dengan jujur, bertasbih dan berzikir.
Seperti Allah telah berfirman:
"....ingatlah kepada Allah dengan ingatan yang banyak di waktu pagi dan petang."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Please take me back!".

"Please, please please please take me back!"

Of all the uncomfortable feelings that happen after a breakup, some of the most devastating feelings of being unlovable, unworthy and rejected. You lose so much pride that it's hard to think of any way to gain their heart and love back, and being worthy in a relationship once again. You end up by acting in undesirable and desperate ways. You plead, you beg, you stalk, you cry, you threaten, and you dream incessantly about ways of getting back in the good and loving graces.

The loss of pride after a breakup causes us to try to convince our partners that they are 'wrong'and our way is 'right'. We try logical reasoning, pouting, blaming, begging, pleading, demanding, being sad, being angry- any way we can to get them see our way. But rarely do we stop and see things their way. Our pride gets in the way of letting us to do that.

It's amazing how many people in a breakup believe it is the loss of their mate that causes them the grief, when in reality it is the loss of their ego and pride that hurts them the most and causing them to feel desperate yet deceiving to regain their ex-girlfriend's or ex-boyfriend's love and approval. Once you realize this, you can take steps to understand how this loss of pride and ego has caused you grief and how the more you try in a desperate, needy manner to win your ex back the more you will be even more worthy of being rejected and the more you will lose your dignity, pride and ego.

There are many ways to overcome this situation- after a break up. You can either expect to have the feelings of loss and grief or you can just move on. Sometimes the grieving starts all over again but just when you start thinking of it, you will soon realize that you are moving on. Whatever it is, allow the grief to happen. Grief is not something you get over, it is something you get through. Cry if you feel sad. Punch your pillow. Call your mother or a close colleague and wail away. They'll understand. Moreover, re-plan the future and set some new and realistic goals to strive for. Don't rush into dating again. When you were in your relationship you gave 'pieces'of yourself to your mate and to your relationship. Wait until you have regained all your pieces back before thinking about giving of yourself again in another relationship. Lastly, find forgiveness. Finding forgiveness for those who have hurt us is very beneficial for the peace of our mind.

For every broken heart there is an acceptance that is not recognize by the bearer. Only by accepting our broken status will our heart not seem so broken anymore -Tigress Luv-

....maybe they are in your life
....maybe they are gone.
....maybe they just can't give you what you want
or need from them.
....or maybe they just don't want to.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm home

Now, the school holidays is here and I suppose I have lots of free time. Instead of squandering my free time on computer games and sleeping, I should spend it wisely at home, a place where balance comes in. Finally, I'm home. This time, I'm not travelling. I just want to stay at home with my family, enjoy all the time with them.

I'm happy with my life now. For those people from the past, I'm sorry. I have to let you all go. For some people from the past who read this post, I hope you'll understand my condition. I don't want to befriend or stay in touch with you guys anymore. I'm so sorry....

Got to go. I plan to make lamb chop today. Ala baru nak mula belajar... till then.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am rich

Rich is a relative term. Some use it for money, some use it for happiness. However,recently, I bitterly reflect everything I owned and I started to ask this question: Am I rich?

Yes, I am rich! It is not that I got lots of money but it is because I am still blessed to have both of parents around. They are the two of the smartest people I've ever met, and, more importantly, the kindest, most generous and most loving. They work hard to make everything fit together at the end of the day and never expect anything in return. Obviously I've been richly blessed.

Being a medical student is not as easy as blinking your eyes. It is a tough road. I have to admit that we got chemistry with these three things: sleep deprivation, palpitation and stressful situation. I cried a lot. I suffer a lot. And yes, I've been through many obstacles: School, Ex boyfriends, etc. After painful reflection, I started to realize that I manage to survive until now because of my parents. Whenever I get depressed, I remember, I have parents who are there for me no matter what. In fact, they are my strength and I don't know how I'd live without them.

I want to finish school, getting married to someone who loves me, having a steady career, following my dreams and someday giving them grandchildren. I want them to be proud of me. I couldn't ask for anything more. I love them very much and I'll forever remember everything they taught me. I know I can't thank The beneficent One enough for blessing me with the most supportive and wonderful parents but I thank Him for the blessing of being born to these two remarkable people and admit that I am treated by God as the "Rich People". Thank You!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Do you have someone in your life who is sick and unfortunately battling cancer or another disease? After being diagnosed with cancer, the stress can seem unbearable for both the patient and their families. Once the doctor has given the initial diagnosis, the rough journey begins and many questions pop up along the way. Cancer is a long and windy road with many bumps and skids along the way but there are ways to cope with the stress that cancer throws on your shoulder.

Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to make them feel instantly calm and at ease when you are around. Talking to someone who is sick is not always easy- Knowing what to say, how to respond to them and when to make jokes. They'll say they are fine and don't worry but for me never assume fine is fine. These make me keep thinking what are people supposed to do or say around people who are in the process of undergoing treatment to battle cancer or to someone who has recently survived cancer?

We don't know when we will fall sick or die or get married. What I want to say is, just be good and kind to others. If you hate some people, just let them go and don't hurt their feeling anymore. We just don't know when we or that person will die.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The holiday

First of all, I'd like to say I've passed the Osce exam. Now that I've got out of whatever situation I were in, probably, a good time to say Thank You to all of you who might have lent a helpful hand along the way and pray for my success. Thank You Very Much!

Enough with the OSCE thing. Now I'm in full holiday mode for about 2 months and I'm happy to say that it has been nothing but filled to the brim with full of activities.I've been busy over the last few months, so much I have almost forgotten what it feels like to be so carefree and oblivious towards anything but my own joy and contentment. Granted, that sounds pretty much selfish, but please, let me do everything I want to do during my holiday before I once again set foot on the grounds of what reality truly is supposed to be and jump my head into the life of 'Doctor Muda'.

Kak Jue will be here for 5 days from 21-25 August and we've made plans to do some shopping in Bandung. So, I'll be going back home on August 25th with her. I'm extremely looking forward to see her and to go home. Lastly, Selamat Berpuasa to all Muslims out there. Jangan lupa terawih, kawan-kawan.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


If anyone still looks at my blog, I am posting to hereby declare that I am, in fact still alive and well. I've been busy lately so I haven't had time to write in this very blog. A lot has happened in the month since my last post and here are some of the highlights.

OSCE-Objective structured clinical examination.
July has brought the heat into my life. I turned myself into becoming a nerd zombie, prepared for this so-called osce examination- An exam to test clinical skill performance. To tell you the truth, spending the weekend actually staying in my room drove me crazy than ever . I didn't go out watching movies or doing something fun. I cried a lot and my parents were worried about me. I was suffering from lack of sleep and after periods of extended wakefulness and reduced sleep, my neurons began to malfunction, visibly effecting my behavior. Some of my friends noticed that I'm listless and zombie-like. Seriously the bad quality of sleep directly affects the quality of waking life. At last towards the end, I still manage to survive till day X-Osce! I'm absolutely whacked! As for everyone that is waiting for your exams, I currently feel your pain and I wish you Good luck!

Its not a fruit. Its not a flavor of an icecream. Its a gadget, a phone! I've just bought the Blackberry Curve and got to admit that it is kind of slick looking. Now I've got my blackberry, I use my blackberry for everything. It is the BB (best-buddy) ever! Jom BBM, Jom!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

And this bird you cannot change

Change, change, change!!! Some people claim to be suffering and say they want to change. Yet, their actions suggest otherwise. So, those who are thinking of change should begin by asking themselves, "Do I really want to change?" or 'Do I really need to change?". You want it or you need it? Do you really want to make those changes or are you trying to become someone you are not?

Yes I 'need' to change BUT only if I 'want'' to be better cause I myself is responsible for my happiness. Not my parents, friends or someone else. It means, I accept responsibility by stop blaming the world for my suffering. So, I stop looking for excuses and start looking for solutions. I need to study harder so I can pass the exams. I need to control my anger so that nobody is going to get hurt. That is, I have to change my thoughts, beliefs, and view so that I'll be able to move forward. Sure, there are times when doing this thing is necessary-so I choose to change!

But on some deep level, we are who we are. "What was wrong with the old me?". I've spent a lifetime becoming who I am. First off, I'm unique- no one in this world like me. So, why change?Perhaps I've got nothing in particular to offer the world. Maybe I don't feel unique, I feel anonymous. Then there might be thousands of reasons why I should change. Otherwise, just be me. Let other people be their own unique people. And I just concentrate on being myself. God has created one very special person. Its me!

In other words, I can always seek to be a better person because I have to but I should not change and transform to be someone else in order to impress or prove to someone that 'this is a new me'. No need! Perhaps I can start doing things I love to do instead of trying to shoehorn myself into someone else's box. I'll not fit me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Doa seorang doktor

Doa Seorang Doktor

Penuhilah kiranya saya, dengan pengetahuan yang cukup
dan akal budi luhur
agar saya dapat membaktikan hidup saya
pada si kaya dan si miskin
pada kawan maupun lawan
dan semoga saya tidak memandang apapun dalam diri si sakit
selain seorang kawan manusia yang tengah menderita.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

angkara marah

Like all emotions, anger is a very natural response to a particular situation- Constant moodiness, sarcasm and hurtful comments meant to demean or shame others. Instinctively, we are hardwired to react aggressively when faced with a real or perceived threat.

Everyone gets angry whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage cause we are human after all. A human. And it is not an exception. I myself is included! Usually, when I get angry, my anger will be suppressed and turn inward on myself because I didn't allow myself to express the feeling inside me unless I can't hold in my anger any longer. Sometimes, I respond aggressively in order to express the feeling. I just realized that suppressing my anger lead to pathological expression of anger and create other problems. I live in depression and not surprisingly, I am not likely to have many successful relationship. After so many depressing incidents in my life previously, I think it is best for me to develop some strategies to keep those triggers from tipping me over the edge. So, I put many efforts to deal with my own anger and from time to time, I learnt how to manage it. Sometimes, I express the feeling but sometimes, I just let it go. I just calm down inside because I know that if I did not control my anger, someone is going to get hurt! And not to mention, to my dear family, thank you for the unconditional love and support that you've showered me throughout the process especially when everything falls apart- to start over and to be better!
Everything is just fine for now... and lets hope it will always be fine!

Doa 'ángkara marah': Al-Hasyr :10, Ali-Imran: 200, As-Syura: 19

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mencari Tuhan Yang Hilang

Wahai Pemilik Arsy
Wahai Pemilik Tunggal alam semesta
Wahai Zat yang tidak pernah tidur
ku ketuk pelan pintu-Mu
karena Engkaulah ujung segala harapan
tempat berlindung orang-orang yang zalim
atas kezalimannya sendiri
tempat berlindung orang-orang yang ketakutan
karena perbuatannya sendiri

Wahai Zat yang tidak pernah menutup pintu
andai Kau tutup pintu-Mu bagiku
kemanakah lagi aku harus mencari pertolongan
kemanakah lagi aku harus mencari perlindungan
dari perbuatan burukku
dari kejaran bayang-bayang dosaku
dari kejaran masa lalu
dari kejaran orang-orang yang marah padaku
dari murka-Mu

Maha suci Engkau dari apa yang aku sifatkan!

dipetik dari karangan Ust Yusuf Mansur

Monday, June 28, 2010

second chance

You just caught me cheating on you. Would you turn me in or give me a second chance? Yes it is true that when you discover that you were cheated, the trust has been shattered but no one is perfect and everyone can make mistakes. So, if it happens to me now, I guess I'll give him/her a second chance as long as I can see that he/she really change. I think, second chance is like the concept of detoxification- giving chance to someone to start over or to be better.

Life is full of spins and turns. Looking back to the past, there were lots of ups and downs in my life and sometimes I regret losing the person that I was and forgetting everything I love. What one thing would I change if I had a second chance? Its good to be true, if I got a second chance and I could turn back time, I want to go back to the time when my grandfather was still alive. One day is enough! I want to spend our last eid ul-Fitr together, drive him to Kedai Dak Ling for a hair cut and ask for his forgiveness. That's all I want to do. He left us 5 years ago on the last day of Ramadhan, the day where I was busy preparing everything for Hari Raya and yet, we prepared it for something else. I know, it sounds more like a dream comes true but I think this is what I need if I get my second chance. Just to be with you, atok!

Of everything, I'm grateful for the responsible young adult I've become even though it's taken me this long to get my head out of my ass and figure out what I need to do to have the life I want. I'm extremely happy that after years of being lost in every way, I am back to my normal life again. I didn't regret for losing something or someone in the past because I know that sometimes I just need to let go so I can move forward with another. Maybe all of these happened because of the 'second chance'.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

1 tahun

She was born June, 19 2009 in Kangar, Perlis. She is the daughter of a sweet couple, kaklong and abg long. She is my niece, Athirah. She is so beautiful and I kind of had forgotten about the startle response things she did. She just grows so darn fast! I miss her and I adore the little people she is growing into. Enjoy the beautiful bundle, sweetie. You are really a lovely little babe. Happy birthday!

Its been 4 years I live in Jakarta since June, 20 2006. Happy 4th anniversary! I hope I'll be graduating on time and be a good doctor. I can't wait to go back for good and serve my country as a doctor. iyeke?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dastan, si putera Parsi

Dastan, a man who would seem to have everything under control win my heart with his talent, versatility, elegance and intelligence. When I first saw Dastan in Prince of Persia, I've fallen for him. The only reason is because of his smile- It can be naughty, sweet and joyously flirtatious. And yes, Dastan is handsome and he's got dimples and beautiful teeth!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Turning problems into opportunities

Two and half years ago, I still in the phase where I kept on searching for myself. I kept on digging in everywhere, trying hard to be someone else but after all these years I've been trough.. I know its not worth it. Be who I am!

Recently, I learn that there are no problems in life, only opportunities to learn.
When there is a situation that appears to be working against me, there is always an opportunity there to realize the same advantages and disadvantages that will affect everyone. I can either then put myself in a situation where I change my attributes to be in the advantageious position or I can completely change the way things work. That in turn, gives me the ability to better organize myself both physically and emotionally. Its all about my choice.

Some of my friends are getting married and some are waiting for their first baby. When people keep on asking myself about my personnel life, who is my boyfriend, when I want to get married and so on, I tell you... I don't know cause I haven't found anyone. Seriously sometimes it makes me scared. I think, I'm a family-oriented person but frankly, I also want to succeed in my carrier. I don't know whether I can balance both of them- Family vs Job but I'll try my best to choose what is best for me and my family. And again,as I said its all about choices. As I assess the progress of my life, I plan where I want to be in the future.

Looking at the bright side of my life, I enjoy it. I enjoy my life as a medical student surrounded by my family and friends. I have no problem anymore with people from the past cause I've been decided to ignore them for the rest of my life and I learn how to treat people nicely just the way I want to be treated back. I cannot lie, it is hard to be at this stage now but by turning problems into opportunities it gives me permission to improve my future. This is the notion of continuous improvement starts from where I am and move up. It's a step up.

You know what, it's so true that almost every time there is something to complain about, and opportunity is present.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Semanis Kurma

Semanis Kurma tidak lagi asing bagi sesiapa yang menonton rancangan ini di TV 9 dikendalikan oleh Ustaz Wan Akashah Wan Abdul Hamid dan isterinya Dato' Ustazah Siti Norbahyah Mohamod. Rancangan yang bertemakan 'kekeluargaan'menyajikan tips tips, nasihat dan pandangan dari pelbagai aspek kekeluargaan berumahtangga serta membincangkan masalah-masalah yang berlaku dalam sesebuah institusi kekeluargaan.

Coleman dan Cressey (1993:110) mentakrifkan keluarga sebagai á group of people by marriage, ancestry or adoption who live together in a common household''. Kamus Dewan pula mendefinisikan keluarga terdiri daripada suami dan isteri sahaja atau berserta anak-anak terdiri daripada suami dan isteri sahaja atau berserta anak-anak’. Mahmood (1997) mentakrif keluarga sebagai unit sosial yang terdiri daripada bapa, ibu dan anak dan yang paling penting ialah wujudnya suatu pertalian hidup tertentu dalam kelompok sosial berkenaan.

Memang diakui kadar penceraian di Malaysia semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Pelbagai faktor menjadi punca penceraian dalam sesebuah unit rumahtangga. Salah satu aspek yang menjadi punca pencerian adalah penyediaan yang kurang baik untuk mendirikan rumahtangga sejak dari awal lagi. Banyak remaja yang mengambil keputusan untuk menikah atas dasar cinta sama cinta sedangkan cinta belum cukup untuk membina sebuah keluarga yang bahagia. Ilmu, tanggungjawab, kewangan, mengetahui peranan dan hak masing-masing selepas mendirikan rumah tangga turut memainkan peranan yang tidak kurang pentingnya. Alangkah sayangnya sebuah masjid yang dibina yang menjadi sunnah nabi musnah begitu saja jika asas kepada pembentukan institusi kekeluargaan itu belum difahami sepenuhnya. One secret of a successful family is its ability to solve problems together. But even more important is learning how to foster those positive conditions that prevent problems from arising in the first place.

Khawari (1989) mentakrifkan kebahagian sebagai ‘….successful family does not mean material affluence but rather an affluence of the heart, spirit and mind'. Secara ringkasnya, kebahagian adalah perasaan yang terpancar dari lubuk hati dan bukan sesuatu yang dipaksa atau disogok dari luar. Ia bukan terletak pada kekayaan, kuasa, kedudukan dan apa sahaja yang bersifat kebendaan. Sebaliknya, ia adalah sesuatu yang maknawi, dapat dirasai tetapi tidak dapat diukur atau disukat.

Kadang-kadang saya terfikir 'kenapa perkahwinan orang dulu-dulu yang dijodohkan oleh ibu bapa lebih kekal dari perkahwinan yang dipilih oleh diri kita sendiri'? Jika diperhatikan, masalah penceraian sangat rendah pada zaman datuk nenek mak ayah kita. Jadi, ini mungkin ada kaitan dengan RESTU dari ibu bapa itu sendiri dalam sesebuah perkahwinan. Bagi saya, bercinta hok tinggi mana sekalipun, jika ibu bapa sudah tidak mengizinkan atau merestui pilihan kita, pasti akan jatuh ke tanah hancur lebur jua akhirnya sesebuah perkahwinan itu. Jadi, pilihlah pasangan yang tepat untuk kita dengan bantuan Allah dan doa restu ibu bapa kita, hubungan itu akan kekal dan bahagia.

Bagi saya, Semanis Kurma banyak membantu dari segi ilmu pengetahuan yang boleh diaplikasikan untuk seseorang yang akan atau sudah berumahtangga. Jadi, apalah salahnya menonton kan?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Dell

I have purchased New Dell inspiron14 laptop with core-i3 processor. I'm quite satisfied with the product and the processor and it comes with windows 7 Home Premium which supports almost 90% of the software's XP does. No technical issues so far and I should say I'm pleased with it. It seems very solid and well constructed and I love the looks, the keyboard layout, the performance, and the graphics capabilities.
I bet it'll takes me some more time to explore all the features.

So far, I haven't gone into intense gaming, so I can't really give a verdict on that. I have played The Sims 3 on it, and it plays nicely. I'll talk about it later.
I know this is the third laptop bought by my father for me and I'll try my best to take care of it through the years ahead.

Cuti-cuti Melaka... As planned, my close friends currently staying in Kuala Lumpur and Pahang came to visit the historical city Melaka. No doubt, I appointed myself as the host cum tour guide.
At 1pm, I picked them up from Melaka central and we drove to Angah's house to have our lunch there. Mak tercantik di dunia cooked the bestlicious nasi ayam for us.
After we checked in at Mahkota Hotel, I took them to do the "Melaka City tour" until 5pm... walking up a well-constructed stairway to reach the peak of St. Paul Hill from Porta de Santiago, one of the four main gates of the A Famosa fortress , passing by the Stadthuys, walking at the walkway in front of the row of museums and finally walking back to the place we parked our car earlier. It was really hot that day. So, after wimping out of walking around the red building, we really need some refreshment so we went to Umbai. Seafood time!!!

On the second day, after lunch, we headed to Ayer Keroh a well-known place with eco-tourism. So we spent some time visiting Taman Lebah Mini Malaysia where it offers visitors to deepen knowledge into the process of breeding and raising honeybees. After that, we headed to Mini Malaysia Cultural Village, a place where we can view all 13 state house in one visit. It was like, visiting Malaysia in one day. memenatkan! Frankly, we only entered 4-5 out of 13 houses there. =p

On the last day... I parked my car in front of the Hotel waiting for them. Out of sudden Aima called and she asked me to come to the room dengan suara bermasalah. I thought something bad might have happened. So, I went upstairs, rang the bell and waiting for the door to be opened. And when the door cracks open..... surprised!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

she turns 24

24. I’m practically dead at this point. Might as well buy a burial plot and make sure I graduate on time. What? Over exaggerating? See if you can follow my logic: 24 is one year from 25. 25 is half of fifty. Fifty is a decent age, but more so, it’s half of 100, which is dead for most of us. So I’m only 3 degrees from dead. That’s intense. Time to take stock in my life.

No but seriously, it’s funny what 24 does to you. I genuinely feel like I’m out of the “Young Adult” range, and have hit “Adult.” At least in the age sense. Um, I don’t like barbie doll anymore. Oh who am I kidding, I’ve hated barbie doll for a long time. And I realized I watch House more than I watch Strawberry Shortcake. I feel nerd.But, I don't think I'm old. So, I guess I don't need botox or skin rejuvenation yet. =p

I still feel completely lost as far as my purpose in this world. I guess everyone feels that way. I imagine that’s something I’ll be struggling with when I’m 77. Better that than, “I’ve done what I was meant to do in this world” I suppose.

I’ve got nothing deep or enlightening to say. I suppose I just felt I should say something. Not sure why. Maybe its because today I turn 24 and there are so many things need to be done. So, I better get going and do what I need to do. lolz.

owh and thank you Allah for giving me chance to ... have lots of thing, do what I wanna do, love them, be a doctor and... say THANK YOU to all of you for the wish and the presents!!!

and... can tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and ...... everyday be my birthday??? I like presents!!! =p

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Neuro oh neuro... T_T

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

They are smart!

Hahhah. Big bang theory is awesome! Genius!!!

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Friday, April 2, 2010


Yesterday my groupmates carried out an experiment on me to see the real larynge by using endoscopy. I'd been given lidocaine along with adrenaline and yes we sucessfully underwent the test looking for my larynge, epiglottis etc but 1 hour later I got flu and demam! Ohhhoho nasib. Learning endoscopy is cool but I'll never do that again. I've learned my lesson. Its so very dangerous and can kill me! :p
But still after class I went to fitness after 1 month bersuka ria makan mcm tapir and to Natasya for my face treatment. Have this bad and crazy idea to carbonized my face! Ahhhahha. Eh, beauty is pain rite so who cares... Tanggung ah senirik!

Oh... And I would also love to share something. I think it's kinda cute and funny. Thirah will be staying at Melaka for a week because kaklong and abglong going somewhere for a vacation. So, atok and nenek thirah will be taking care of the cucu. When I was at sushi groove having my lunch, ayah sent few msgs talking bout the only cucu he got FOR NOW. I think ayah is cute. He sent cute msg like "cucu men dgn atok e" with the smiley icon and "cucu ats bahu atuk e, awk jgn jeles". He typed 'e' instead of 'dia'. Hahha. Rarely did he sent cute sms but I think this was a matter of excessive euphoria. And I bet mak and ayah will stay at home 24/7 because of the cucu, main dgn cucu and tak keluar keluar rumah kot! Hahha. Ayah also said" nanti cucu nangis atok e bawak jln naik kereta pusing 1 Melaka".hah, buatnya cucu nangis pukul 3 pagi....atuk dgn nenek e bawak la cucu gi round 1 Melaka yer. Hahha. So cute.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Its fun

Before KKD, I wasn't really like to learn about the ear, the larynge, the pharynge, the nose... all of them! Boring! But now it is different in KKD. I kinda like it though. weird huh? lol
I was watching Jai examining Mia. He was performing anterior rhinoscopy (inspection of the anterior portion of nasal cavity with or without the aid of nasal speculum) and this allows for visualization of the septum, the choncae... the anterior part of the nose! Its all clear, mam!
Dr Kur is one of the instructor and he is an ENT specialist. Baik hati ni and lembut orangnya.
Examining the larynge by doing indirect laryngoscopy. A small circular mirror on a long thin handle is inserted into patient's mouth and we can see on the mirror.... there.. that crescent shaped thing on the mirror is called Epiglottis. Below it... is the plica vocalis (vocal folds). So, if you want to see it... you just ask the patient to say 'eeeee' while performing this examination. Seriously I enjoy learning all of these thing.... Its fun. really... tak tipu!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Shakirah's singing 'gypsy' in Pet Society. She's trying to be just like Shakira-wherever-whenever. Call her impostor, she's honored to be... =p In fact, she changes some of the lyrics here and there.
"Bad friends and bad thoughts pass me by. Walking gets boring when I learn how to fly. Cause I'm, a gypsy. Are you coming with me? I might steal your money and buy jewellery. I never made agreements. Just like gypsy. And I won't back down cause life's already bit me. I can't hide what I've done. Scars remind me but dermatologist can remove it from me. I said Hey you, You're no fool. If you say No. Ain't it just the way life goes? People fear what they don't know"

Still want to say medical student is nerd?oh, that is so wrong ok! We still can huhahuha and I myself play like more than 10 online games everyday. Some of my friends ask me, when I get married and have kids later... nak teruskan jugak ke main game ni? eh, tak main lah game game chokiya ni ok. At that time, we... the whole family will play xbox 360 or maybe xbox 720! My husband and I will teach our kids ABC and 1,2,3 by using xbox ok. isk, apa barang ni game online ni....tak cool la... hehhe.

I am fortunate enough having them as my groupmates as they are friendly and kind and... still kind. Zailani is the only boy in our group and I've been paired with him for the whole 1st week of KKD and maybe we will still be a pair until May. duh, dengan Bapak Joko lagi? As I said before, the 1st department is ophthalmology and over this 1st week, we learnt how to perform a history and physical examinations on an eye patient. And alhamdulillah I've passed the examination today and will be in ENT department next week-Ear, Nose and Throat.

I had my dinner at Steak & Shake with Ina, Zura, Mal and El. Murah sangat ok kat sini. er, please don't compare with American Grill or Marche or what-so-ever. Even though the tenderloin is not as delicious as the one I ate at the American Grill before but the good thing is the price is so very cheap and.... ok lah rasanya. serious sangat ok. oh and if you realized I like to wear shawl lately after Kak fifi introduced me to that new lilit-lilit style of tudung. I think, I kinda like it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

waiting room

Someone has been asking me about my blog- and to be more specific...its about the transition of my life. This person realized I change the way I write each of the post lately. No more sad stories huh?
I'll answer your 1st question why I re-brand the blog and make significant changes in the tone of my writing?
It's simply because I want to share every happy moment in my life with you guys and create smile on your face after you leave this blog or maybe right after you read my post. Oh, and actually I was just trying to help increase your humor and improve your mood states . =p And you know what. The happy tone in my writing shows that I enjoy the way I live my life too.
Apart from that, I am no longer thinking about the past- the people, the stories, everything. It's ok about what had happened in the past because shit happen to all of us, rite? So, who cares...In fact, I've been decided to vaccinating my life so as to prevent myself from any bad emotional infection. In some situation, it is desirable to complete shut off or isolate my life zone from some people. There was a girl who questioning my sincerity that I wasn't entirely sincere to be her friend and because of that I decided not to contact her anymore. It's ok if she scolded me because I knew I made plenty of mistakes along the way tapi kalau dah mempertikaikan kejujuran saya berkawan, itu dah melampau lah kan. Kurang ajar nama nya tuh... memang kurang hajar!
Your next question is Am I happy with my own life now? Of course I am. I am very happy with my life, feel free from any hindrance. =)
So, this is the last time I would tell you about the 'past', about my life transitions or whatsoever. Kalau tanya lagi... cubit kang! =p

This is so true! They always ask at the doctor’s office why you are there and you have to answer in front of others what’s wrong –and sometimes it is embarrassing.

There’s nothing worse than a doctor’s receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients. I know most of us have experienced this and I love the way this old guy handled it:

A 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and
approached the desk.

The receptionist said, “Yes, sir, what are you seeing the
doctor for today?”

He replied, “There’s something wrong with my dick.”

The receptionist became irritated and said,“You shouldn’t come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that.”

“Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you.”

The receptionist replied, “Now you’ve caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear and then discussed the problem further with the doctor in private.”

“You shouldn’t ask people questions in a room full of strangers if the answer could embarrass anyone,” the man said. Then he walked out and waited several minutes before re-entering.

The receptionist smiled smugly and said, “Yes?”

“There’s something wrong with my ear.”

The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. “And what is wrong with your ear, sir?”

“I can’t piss out of it.”

The waiting room erupted in laughter.

The lesson: Mess with seniors, and you’re going to lose!

-copied from kou kou-

Monday, March 22, 2010


Just bought this new nokia 5800 express music. I love it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Yesterday, I attended Hassan's wedding ceremony in Bukit Lintang. Hassan was my classmate when we were in form 5. He graduated from Kyushu University and will be going back to Japan tomorrow to pursue his master's degree in nuclear engineering together with his wife. I've always wanted to meet my ex-schoolmates since I left school but I don't have any chance to do so. As one of the invited guest, I was excited to attend the wedding as it gave me chance to meet some of them.
So, who's getting married next? *wondering*

Holiday is over and now I'm back at school. I'll be spending my first week of this new semester in the department of ophthalmology. Wish me luck. And one more thing, I lost my cell phone and my maxis no at the airport today. oh and your no too. sorry... And I'm soon going to buy a new Nokia 5530 express music or maybe a blackberry to replace the lost phone. any recommendation? *sigh and tired*

Friday, March 19, 2010

oh my....

I love everything about being at home but there's just one thing that has annoyed me lately. It's all about ... the waitress's been calling me 'akak' instead of 'adik'! Waitress not waiter ok. For now, I've come up with these three reasons why they called me akak. The 1st one is I am pretty enough to cause them feel some pangs of envy, the 2nd one is that they were never really sure how old I am and the last one is that they just call all the baby girls/ girls/ women/mothers/aunties/grandmothers 'akak'. I can't decide which one is better but frankly I prefer the 1st one. =p I wouldn't care if the waitress is younger than I am but what hurt the most is most of them women aged between 40-50. duh~ See... That's why I prefer the 1st thought about my prettiness even though it totally makes me feel like becoming the new Benjamin Button. T_T

There's something I want to write in this very blog so that my children, my grandchildren, and my grand-grandchildren would read this in the future. What I want to say is 'Do not let your father buy hybrid cars as they will endanger your family species!'. Last night, we had our dinner at the seafood restaurant and my father drove us there. The car exceeds the speed limit, my speed limit. Mine was only 60km/hour and that hybrid car moving at a speed of 180km/hour. You know what, its not only can kill you and endanger your species but it also causes nausea, light headed, dizziness, vertigo nystagmus bla bla bla... oh my... gugur jantung den.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Drive slow

Yesterday, I realized driving slow was fun. I kept my speed at or below 60km/hour. And I enjoyed listening Hitz FM while I was driving on the road. It's pretty cool for me to do 3 in 1 activities at the same time. Driving, listening and singing. Apart from that, when I was coming to an intersection with a flashing red light, I always came to a complete stop for it and yesterday there were like 3 to 4 times where I need to stop for the red light with heavy traffic behind me but soon after the light turned green I did the screening through the mirror and figured I've been left behind. It's ok. In fact, I felt generous after giving other cars chances to accelerate and passing my car for the whole time. =p
Anyway, I thought the idea of driving at 40-60km/hour was pretty good. I don't know what's the speed limit but 60km/hour was my limit for yesterday. I was in the slow lane for most of my travels and I felt safe. It's not because of the slow speed of my car but its simply because of money. I figured if I drive slowly, it helps reduce the fuel consumption and improve my fuel economy. Perhaps, I only spend half of my money so as to refill the fuel tank. And speaking of money, this is the simplest way for me to get extra ringgit to buy new comics. So, plan to buy new comics? Drive slow!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I feel grateful

Diary of a wimpy kid will be on theatres on march 19th. A diary, uupps not really a diary but a journal about Greg and his life and it's hilariously funny. Tip top Jeff Kinney!

Yuuhu. Bought new sandals. Good job, good invesment uncle Charles & Uncle Keith. It's magnificent! And I love it! What else can I say... feet need sandals and sandals need feet but the only problem is my feet only fit in fashionable sandals/shoes. And they cost a lot of money. So, what I learned today is make your own shoes, design it yourself unless you're willing to be living in danger at the end of month! Just because of a pair of new shoes... T_T

Good news. Good news. I'll be flying home. Today is the day, a good day. Simply because I'm going back home. The sweetest surprise from mak and ayah. I feel loved :* Ok bye bye pizza, mcd, and nasi Padang. Laksa, nasi ayam and murtabak are on their way to be wih me... Uhhu I can see them coming... I can see them. And I can feel them.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

kisah si Lolly.

Lolly is a pet owned by this very charming witch on earth. I repeat.... (the important part of the whole story about lolly) 'Owned by this very charming witch on earth".

Lolly works as a cleaner, a gardener, a cook in a big spooky mansion owned by this very charming witch on earth.

Lolly is cleaning this very charming witch's bedroom. Sometimes, Lolly thinks she and Cinderella has something in common, because she lives in the big mansion either. But sometimes she discovers herself as Rapunzel. no. no. That Rapunzel's part is actually created by this very charming witch not Lolly. As I said before, this very charming witch is the one who imagining lolly as Rapunzel and the only difference between them is their hair. Lolly had her hair cut a few days ago. And let me tell you, there's nothing more terrifying than being trapped in this mansion with a witch!

Lolly in wonderland. No! It's not like that. You must have forgotten what I told you before. Lolly is a gardener! So, she is harvesting the vegetables in this so-called wonderland. I feel pity for her. T__T. oh, Lolly....

Lolly is sunbathing in the hammock at the beach. Every Saturday, she likes to go picnic and enjoys the beach bonfire as well as she enjoys herself sunbathing in the beach. U might be wondering now.Cinderella go picnic? Her stepmother allows her to go picnic? ok. ok. I'll explain it.
Every Saturday, all the witches from all over the world are invited to celebrate Halloween in this mansion. I know, Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31 but they, the witches believed it should be celebrated every Saturday. So, it means Every Saturday is a non-working day for Lolly. So now you know...
For me, its better to be at the beach rather than to be at the party. Just stay away from Halloween. The trick-or-treat part is good but the rest... the pranks, the jack-o-lantern, the costumes. They're all wasted!

psst, cuba tengok kat gambar tuh. There's a pinky witch at the beach too. I guess, he/she is bored at the party so he/she just escape from it.

Lolly is busy baking a chocolate cake for this very charming witch on earth. This very charming witch on earth always complaining about the food cooked by Lolly. She thinks that Lolly is not a good cook but I think, she is just as expert as Jeff Henderson. And what's bugging me now about the complaint is that if she complains about lolly, does it means Jeff Henderson is as worst as Lolly too. No way! *coughing*

hold on... hold on...

I heard someone's whispering something. Oh My God!Oh My God! It's the witch's ghost!!! She just said, "Lets hope that nobody will see her on the wall"
On the wall? Where? There...There...The picture over there, on the kitchen's wall... OMG! OMG! I know her... this very charming witch we are talking about is ..........

;D guess who?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Detik soca

Mlm sebelum soca..
Pkl 11 dah nak tido tapi pkl 3.30 masih tak boleh nak tido. I mkn antihistamine and paracetamol dengan harapan boleh tido. Pkl 4 kot baru tido and pukul 5 dah terjg. Damn, soca!

3 jam before soca.
Otak rasa hipertrofi but at the same time memori semua atrofi. Dalam hati, Kalau dapat head injury.... Ckp kat dr ,"sy her jelah doc"

I daftar soca. No 7 no kegemaran! Case; leptospirosis...

Pkl 10 am...
Dr made dan Dr edi jadi penguji. Bell bunyi! Start present case. 30 menit ckp nonstop. Adeh!

10.35 am...
Menunggu di panggil masuk untuk tau result

10.55 am
Dr made panggil masuk. Uhhu, seryes nya muka mereka berdua.
Dr made ckp, "memang Ada yang kurang Dan setiap pelajar pasti tidak perfect tapi KAMU LULUS!!!!
Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah!!!
dan baru lah mereka ketawa. Dalam hati, "sabar jela derang nak wat cuak"

Jidah dtg campus semata memberi support. Thank u babe! Nak keluar dgn jid, yana and aima.
Frappucino! Yea frappucino!
Thankiu kat semua bg support dan doakan...

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh, Derek Shepherd.

You are a witness to my failed attempt at seduction today. Lol what? Ok, that's not funny! I tried to seduce Derek shepherd but he doesn't succumb to the temptation. I know, only Meredith can... T_T pity me.
er, don't get me wrong. It's just a game. Whoever plays 'Dress Me Up', they'll understand what I'm talking about. Proceed...
Ok, forget bout him. It's not the end of my life. Let's move on. I plan to get a new dress or maybe a new gown today. Let's go shopping!

bought one just now. Ok tak?

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Monday, March 8, 2010


5.23 pm

Just woke up from my 4hours of nap. I feel bit fresh now. This morning, I went to campus after subash told me that jadwal soca is already out.

There are 9 malaysians including myself will be taking soca this semester. Eight of us will be taking it tomorrow and I'm the only Malaysian who will be taking this freaking-scarry exam on Wednesday. I wish you guys all the best of luck.

Soca will be held starting from tomorow till 13 March 2010. The 1st 2 days are the days for soca and the last 3 days will be opened for H.E.R.(retaking this exam)
Let's hope for the best for all of us.

3.29 am
yawn (:l
sitting on the desk, drinking Milo, trying to memorize and understand cataract while others are sleeping and dreaming over the moon. (T_T)
call me nerd! I feel nerd. :-b ok, I agree with you. Medical students are all nerd but..but... only when we have exam around the corner! other than than, we are all Hannah Montana! Hannah Montana? I myself have no clue why I choose her instead of Britney. er, maybe she is just better than Britney spears... ok, whatever. dua dua tak hot pon!
ok, bye... have to finish all these juvenile, senile, bla bla bla.
I'm logging off now.

1.11 a.m
U have to clear your mind. Clear everything. Put aside for 5 min. Ok dah?
Now, breath in. Breath Out. Breath in. Breath Out.

And imagine this...

You graduated from university with 1st-class honors. All the gigantic-worldwide companies/ hospitals are chasing after you. They're trying to kidnap you for everything u got in yourself- the brain, the talent, the pride, all of them!
You're married. You two love each other more than everything. Have your own children. And they r as genius as u are. In fact, as the genetic multiplicity of genius gene occured between you and your spouse, your kids are all become as genius as Hippocrates. Not contaminated at all!
Your parents love you. Happy for you.
People around you love you and wanna be just like you-Someone who was born with a good heart, a good soul and a good brain.
And you die peacefully and go to heaven.

Cheating! You're not imagining all of these at all cause you are just reading mine. :p

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Akon yang bersalah

'And no one knows the things we've been through.i'm gonna be with you' ... Duh! Supposed I store all these epidural, subdural all the 'dural' in my memory but it turned out akon's song is already been there! There... The lyric up there is the guilty one. Of course it palpitates my self as well di saat-saat genting mcm ni. :(

Like, hoi how come you blh sampai sini dulu?you can't be here. This is dural's territory and its forbidden for you to stay here. shuh shuh! And he responded to me, Hello, 1st come 1st served la. >:).
And I was like...... $#%* Mati!

Okayh, I'll keep u updated soon. Soon enuf!

-- Post From My iPhone

would you be my Oreo?

Hye y'all.
Korang tau tak oreo and milk is a perfect match together?

So if he ask you, "Would you be my oreo?" and that 'he' is someone you adore much then you have to quickly think/choose what flavor of milk you want this certain someone to be.Vanilla/Chocolate/Strawberry.
Flowering, Flying, Fascinating, Floating. now you can feel it. I float ;->

I know if someone ask you this, the level of epinephrine is increasing as high as KLCC and you feel your heart is going to pop out of your chest at any time- measuring your blood preasure now... 200/100 mmhg. Owh My God! That is sooo high. seeee?

Don't just stare with blank expression ok. You can at least say plus with your shy-shy-cat smiling, "but... can you be the susu coklat?That's my favorite". direct and indirect tone at the same time.. like my nenek used to say, mau tapi malu.
kan dah bg hint tu and konpem punya dia sedar that he'd just found his perfect oreo a sec ago. O.R.E.O... i feel loved ;*

but but who would be my susu coklat pulak ni? ;-?

Would you be my OREO song