Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Please take me back!".

"Please, please please please take me back!"

Of all the uncomfortable feelings that happen after a breakup, some of the most devastating feelings of being unlovable, unworthy and rejected. You lose so much pride that it's hard to think of any way to gain their heart and love back, and being worthy in a relationship once again. You end up by acting in undesirable and desperate ways. You plead, you beg, you stalk, you cry, you threaten, and you dream incessantly about ways of getting back in the good and loving graces.

The loss of pride after a breakup causes us to try to convince our partners that they are 'wrong'and our way is 'right'. We try logical reasoning, pouting, blaming, begging, pleading, demanding, being sad, being angry- any way we can to get them see our way. But rarely do we stop and see things their way. Our pride gets in the way of letting us to do that.

It's amazing how many people in a breakup believe it is the loss of their mate that causes them the grief, when in reality it is the loss of their ego and pride that hurts them the most and causing them to feel desperate yet deceiving to regain their ex-girlfriend's or ex-boyfriend's love and approval. Once you realize this, you can take steps to understand how this loss of pride and ego has caused you grief and how the more you try in a desperate, needy manner to win your ex back the more you will be even more worthy of being rejected and the more you will lose your dignity, pride and ego.

There are many ways to overcome this situation- after a break up. You can either expect to have the feelings of loss and grief or you can just move on. Sometimes the grieving starts all over again but just when you start thinking of it, you will soon realize that you are moving on. Whatever it is, allow the grief to happen. Grief is not something you get over, it is something you get through. Cry if you feel sad. Punch your pillow. Call your mother or a close colleague and wail away. They'll understand. Moreover, re-plan the future and set some new and realistic goals to strive for. Don't rush into dating again. When you were in your relationship you gave 'pieces'of yourself to your mate and to your relationship. Wait until you have regained all your pieces back before thinking about giving of yourself again in another relationship. Lastly, find forgiveness. Finding forgiveness for those who have hurt us is very beneficial for the peace of our mind.

For every broken heart there is an acceptance that is not recognize by the bearer. Only by accepting our broken status will our heart not seem so broken anymore -Tigress Luv-

....maybe they are in your life
....maybe they are gone.
....maybe they just can't give you what you want
or need from them.
....or maybe they just don't want to.

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