Monday, June 28, 2010

second chance

You just caught me cheating on you. Would you turn me in or give me a second chance? Yes it is true that when you discover that you were cheated, the trust has been shattered but no one is perfect and everyone can make mistakes. So, if it happens to me now, I guess I'll give him/her a second chance as long as I can see that he/she really change. I think, second chance is like the concept of detoxification- giving chance to someone to start over or to be better.

Life is full of spins and turns. Looking back to the past, there were lots of ups and downs in my life and sometimes I regret losing the person that I was and forgetting everything I love. What one thing would I change if I had a second chance? Its good to be true, if I got a second chance and I could turn back time, I want to go back to the time when my grandfather was still alive. One day is enough! I want to spend our last eid ul-Fitr together, drive him to Kedai Dak Ling for a hair cut and ask for his forgiveness. That's all I want to do. He left us 5 years ago on the last day of Ramadhan, the day where I was busy preparing everything for Hari Raya and yet, we prepared it for something else. I know, it sounds more like a dream comes true but I think this is what I need if I get my second chance. Just to be with you, atok!

Of everything, I'm grateful for the responsible young adult I've become even though it's taken me this long to get my head out of my ass and figure out what I need to do to have the life I want. I'm extremely happy that after years of being lost in every way, I am back to my normal life again. I didn't regret for losing something or someone in the past because I know that sometimes I just need to let go so I can move forward with another. Maybe all of these happened because of the 'second chance'.

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