Saturday, June 11, 2011

15 things money can't buy for me...

1. Marrying someone, a lovely, a genius, an understanding, and no-need-to-be-that-handsome husband and… sleeping right next to someone I truly love.

2. Getting a second chance.

3. Someone dedicates “Marry your daughter” to my father or to me.

5. Eat and eat but never gain weight. Who wants to look ike an ugly monster in her wedding gown?

7. Surrounded by kind-hearted people- A sweet and down-to-earth mom, a soft-spoken-and-know-just-the-right-thing-to-say and generous-hearted dad, kaklong, abang long, angah, kak wani, uncles, aunties, close friends.

8. waking up after having a great dream, realizing its weekend and curling up for another 45 minutes of sleep.

9. Someone tells me “yes” when I expected them to say “no” or being called beautiful when I’m not wearing any make up or fancy clothes.

10. Seeing two elderly folks who are madly in love- atok and nenek and seeing the person who makes my heart race even if it’s just for a few seconds or seeing someone else laugh hysterically.

11. I’m not a good cook so when I cook something and everyone likes it. It makes me happy!

12. The look on my parents face when I make them proud.

13. Getting a creative, well thought out gift, rather than an ordinary one, especially from the special one.

14. Looking into the eyes of my best friend and know, without a doubt, that I can trust her. Yeap, I can trust and trust her.

15. Last but not least, go on a date. Seretly! :p

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