Friday, October 5, 2012

Hari Terakhir...


Alhamdulillah, praise and thank to Allah. To my dearest mak, ayah, kaklong, abg long, angah, kak wani and friends... words cannot begin to describe my appreciation and gratitude for all you have done for me. Your love and support has helped me not only through college, but also through life. Thank you! Guys, it’s coming to the end of my med school years today. I don’t think my life will ever be as relaxed and easy as this. I’m just coasting through life right now, waking up whenever I want to, sleeping whenever I want to, eating whatever comes to mind. I’m really enjoying my life now, but we all know that good things never last forever. It’s only a matter of time before my internship begins, and I’m gonna work like a dog. No? Working hr calls, stressful codes, lives on the line, and everyone expects the world from this naive young doctor. I didn't indulge in my laziness, but I cherished every moment of my free time. Being able to walk thru the park, go shopping, and taste the sweetness of my chocolate mocha, perfectly balancing out the bitterness of the hot espresso.  It seems so mundane, but at the same time, so luxurious. To sit back, take a break from it all, and appreciate the beauty that this world has to offer. But now, all I have is free time. I know, too much of anything is a bad thing. Everything in moderation, makes ur life healthy. Ok, maybe not everything in moderation ,misalnya ganja.=D But this year has really showed me that balance is important. Balance relaxation with stress, work with play, love with hurt, laughs with tears, and hope with sadness. Because just as the sweet chocolate mocha compliments the bitter expresso, both are necessary to make an enjoyable drink. Just as the ups and downs compliment each other to make an enjoyable life. Doakan saya, okie? =)

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