Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Older I Get, The More That I See

As I grow older, life’s lessons become clearer. On my recent journey from Johor to Kuala Lumpur, I found myself repeatedly listening to the song "Older" by Sasha Alex Sloan. The chorus resonated deeply with me, going something like this:

"The older I get, the more that I see

My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me

And loving is hard, it don't always work

You just try your best not to get hurt

I used to be mad but now I know

Sometimes it's better to let someone go

It just hadn't hit me yet

The older I get."

The lyrics beautifully captured the essence of growing up, learning that our parents are not perfect and that love, as powerful as it is, doesn't always work out the way we hope. It reminds me that life is full of challenges, and we must navigate them with resilience and understanding.

As I grow older, life’s lessons become clearer. One of the most significant lessons is the importance of education. We must study hard, not just for the sake of getting good grades, but because knowledge shapes who we are and the opportunities we’ll have in life. Education goes beyond the classroom. It teaches us discipline, resilience, and the value of striving for more. The knowledge we gain, whether formal or through life experiences, equips us to make wiser decisions and opens doors that would otherwise remain closed. Education is an investment in ourselves, one that will continue to pay off throughout our lives.

As I grow older, I realized when it comes to choosing a life partner, it’s essential to find someone who shares similar values, especially in terms of family and education. Compatibility in these areas fosters mutual respect and understanding. If you come from a privileged background where having a driver or maid is the norm, finding a partner who comes from a similar lifestyle helps ensure that your values and expectations align. However, if life circumstances are different and hiring help isn’t possible, it’s important to choose a partner who is willing to share responsibilities. Whether it's ironing the children's clothes or helping with everyday chores, a partner who is supportive and cooperative will be a true asset in managing the challenges of family life. Marriage is a lifelong journey, and having a partner who walks that path with you, side by side, makes all the difference.

As I grow older, I realized that life is unpredictable, like a wheel that is constantly turning. One day we may be on top, but in an instant, we could find ourselves at the bottom. This is why it’s important to treat everyone with kindness and respect. Hurting others for personal gain may seem tempting when you’re on top, but remember that life has a way of evening out the scales. The people you harm today may be the very ones you need tomorrow. Always live with compassion because what goes around truly does come around.

As I grow older, I realized that in life, it’s important to strike a balance between love and hate. Don’t love someone so much that it blinds you, nor hate so intensely that it consumes you. Sometimes, loving someone doesn’t mean you need to hold on to them. Letting go can be an act of love, too. In the same way, don’t let hatred linger in your heart. It only breeds negativity and poisons your soul. Life is too short to be consumed by extreme emotions. Learn to find peace in balance.

As I grow older, I realized that there’s a universal truth that good will always prevail over evil. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, carry a lasting impact. Even when faced with adversity or negativity, choosing to do good will eventually lead to better outcomes. It’s easy to get discouraged when the world seems unjust, but remember that the strength of goodness is enduring. It may take time, but the rewards of living a life filled with compassion and integrity will always outweigh the short-term gains of wrongdoing.

As I grow older, I realized that we all need money to live, but as I’ve learned over the years, we should never become slaves to it. Money should serve us as a tool to build a fulfilling life, but it should not dictate our happiness or values. The pursuit of wealth at the cost of our well-being, relationships, and peace of mind is a dangerous path. Life is not about accumulating riches but about living with purpose. The real wealth lies in our ability to be content and live with integrity, no matter our financial situation.

As I grow older, I realized that one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to place God at the center of my life. In every decision, every challenge, and every success, it’s vital to remember that all things happen through His will. Seeking guidance and asking for His blessings leads to clarity and peace of mind. No matter what goals we achieve or failures we encounter, having faith in God provides the strength and wisdom to navigate through life’s ups and downs.

As I grow older, I realized that harming another person, whether intentionally or not, creates a wound that may not always be easy to heal. Apologizing for our wrongs is difficult, not just because of our pride, but because there’s no guarantee the other person will forgive us. This is why it’s crucial to live with integrity and avoid causing harm in the first place. Holding onto grudges or refusing to make amends only leads to more pain. Life is too short for unnecessary conflicts, so it’s better to live in a way that leaves no room for regret. As I navigate this journey, these lessons stay close to my heart. I hope to instill them in my children as well, so they too may grow with wisdom, humility, and a deep sense of purpose and avoid repeating the mistakes I’ve made in my life.

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